Here you will find an overview of the committees of Piranha. These committees take care of everything within the branches, but also for different activities. If you are interested in a committee, please send an e-mail to the relevant committee or to bestuur@zpv-piranha.nl.
The canteen in the sports center is run by students. Piranha has a number of days a year when it needs to staff the canteen. This is done by the bar team. Part of the profits go to Piranha and this is an important source of income for the club. The Bar Team consists of as many people as possible, so that members of the Bar Team are not overburdened.
​Contact: interne@zpv-piranha.nl
Batavierenracecommissie (BataCie)
Every year, the University of Twente, in cooperation with Radboud University in Nijmegen, organizes the Batavierenrace. This is the largest relay race in the world and it is a run from Nijmegen to Enschede. Although we love the water, we as Piranha cannot be absent. To organise this, Piranha has formed the Batavierenrace committee. This committee makes sure that everything around the Batavierenrace is arranged for Piranha, such as food/drinks before, during and after the race, but also the registration and the division of the stages.
Do you want to be in the committee this year? Please contact the committee or the board!
​Contact: bata@zpv-piranha.nl
Chickcommissie (Chickcie)
The ChickCie makes sure that there are fun activities planned where women can share their frustrations! Although it is of course great fun with men, we understand that sometimes it is time for an evening with lots of wine (or cocktails), masks and other female talk (and for some women lots of chocolate). Activities we are known for are the (sweet) cake baking contest and the cocktail night, but we organize many more fun activities!
Contact: chickcie@zpv-piranha.nl
Duikactiviteitencommissie (DAC)
The Diving Activities Committee (DAC) organizes the many activities and events that are out there for the divers. About 3-4x in the year a weekend to Zeeland is organized. Weekends to the quarries of Belgium, the depths of Hemmoor and Vinkenveen are also on the list. A special trip is done every year, for example we have dived in the mountains of Austria and made cool drift dives in Denmark. A bigger trip is always tried to organize, think of the beautiful waters of Malta. Besides the trips, the DAC also organizes fun pool activities such as net training, game nights and lectures on underwater life or cool diving activities. Would you like to organize these fun activities together with the DAC? Talk to one of us or send us an email!
Contact: dac@zpv-piranha.nl
Duikopleidingencommissie (DOC)
The Training Coordinators direct the Dive Training Committee (DOC), which includes all DiveLeaders. This group of people provide all training for Piranha, both diving and medical training.
Contact: duikcursus@zpv-piranha.nl
Evenementencommissie (Dú EVC)
Of course Piranha has parties and get-togethers in addition to the competitions and training sessions. The event committee, dú EVC, organizes these parties. Piranha has a number of "standard" get-togethers, such as the 'poetsborrel' (for freshmen) and the mystery guest drinks (or sinterklaas celebration). Besides these parties, the EVC organizes new events every year. Do you want to join the EVC? Then contact the committee!
Contact: evc@zpv-piranha.nl
Kascommissie (Kasco)
The Audit Committee checks the financial policy which is carried out by the Treasurer. They are responsible for checking the accounts. In addition, they report every six months to the association by means of their half-yearly report at the General Assembly in March and October. The audit committee is always looking for reinforcements! If you want to be on the audit committee, please contact the audit committee or the treasurer.
Contact: kasco@zpv-piranha.nl
Lustrumcommissie (Lucie)
Once every five years a lustrum committee is formed to celebrate that Piranha has become a lustrum older again. This is celebrated with special events during the year and of course a great final party. The next lustrum will take place in 2025, Piranha will exist 60 years, so do you want to help set up a great party for this? Then sign up!
Contact: lucie@zpv-piranha.nl
Duik materiaal commissie (MATCIE)
The Matcie deals with the maintenance and repair of the materials for diving. That means that they are the first contact on diving days when something is wrong with the equipment. Small maintenance is performed continuously, such as replacing o-rings, broken bits, mask and fin straps. But also the annual visual check of all diving cylinders, and fixing the suits when there are cracks in it.
If you find diving equipment interesting, if you want to learn more about it, how to maintain it, if you are interested in joining the committee or if you want to help with some jobs, please contact us. The Equipment Techniques workshop is free of charge for new members of the committee.
Contact: matcie@zpv-piranha.nl
Mediacommissie (Mediacie)
The media committee takes care of our amazing pieces that can be found in our 'slipje' and keeps up the Instagram and Facebook. Have you always loved being involved with social media and writing fun pieces? Then this committee might be something for you!
Contact: mediacie@zpv-piranha.nl
NSZKcommissie (NSZKcie)
The NSZKcie is a committee that is formed about once every two years and organizes one of the four Dutch Student Swimming Competitions (NSZKs) that take place annually. For this, it is important to organize a competition, a pre-party drink and a party. This has to be done for about 300 swimmers so it is quite an organization. This committee starts working in the year that the NSZK is held. The NSZK in Enschede is always at the end of the year because of the outdoor pool.
Contact: nszkcie@zpv-piranha.nl
Galacommissie (GalaCie)
What is that a galacie? Is it a wrong spelling for the galaxy? Is it an exciting movie with Matt Damon in space? Is it a new phone from Samsung? No it's not! It's the cutest committee from ZPV Piranha!
What does the galacie do? Once in a while Piranha organises a gala for its members, supporters and other interested parties. When the time comes, a galacie is formed. It is then up to the committee to organize the gala. Think of a theme, but also of arranging a band and a photographer, for example.
​Contact: gala@zpv-piranha.nl
ICT-commissie (ICTcie)
Do you think there the Piranha website can be improved? Or are you just interested in computer science and do you like to write programs for Piranha together with a group of enthusiastic members? Then the ICT committee is just the thing for you!
The ICT committee takes care of everything regarding the website and programs used by the board, think of an alias system, mail system but also the pieces of information on the website are taken care of by us. It is useful if you have a little background in programming & HTML, but even if you don't (and would like to learn it) you are welcome! As a committee we plan work evenings where we work together on the website and programs, while enjoying a beer (or wine) it is not only a productive evening, but also often very cozy!
​Contact: ict@zpv-piranha.nl
Piranha Introductie Commissie (PIC)
The Piranha Introduction Committee, PIC, is a committee that has the task of recruiting new members during the Kick-in of the University of Twente and the HOI of the Saxion. The committee is free to choose how they do this, but introduction trainings, the information stand at the intro and putting up posters are part of the regular program.
Contact: introductie@zpv-piranha.nl
Waterpolocommissie (Polocie)
The waterpolo committee, also known as the Polocie, takes care of the affairs surrounding the waterpolo branch of Piranha. They make sure that matches are planned, that tournaments are visited and that there is equipment available for training. In short, the Polocie makes sure the water polo players can train, play matches and visit tournaments!
Contact: polocie@zpv-piranha.nl
Poolpartycommissie (Poolpartycie)
Every year during Kick-In, we host the pool party, one of the biggest parties of the week. There is a special team of Piranhas who work with the Kick-In committee to make sure it all goes well.
​Contact: poolparty@zpv-piranha.nl
Reddingscommissie (Redcie)
The Rescue Swim Committee takes care of all the things that are involved in a Rescue Swim. They take care of the competitions, take care of the training, take care of the equipment. In short, everything that is needed to keep a lifeguard running.
​Contact: rescue@zpv-piranha.nl
Landtrainingscommissie (Stabilicacie)
Every Wednesday there is land training to train outside the water in addition to all the trainings in the water. The whole body is trained and it is therefore a perfect complement to the swimming activities of each member. This training is given together with athletics club Kronos. The land training committee (Stabilisacie) takes care of these trainings. In addition, occasionally a special activity, such as a boot camp, is organized.
Contact: stabilisacie@zpv-piranha.nl
Toernooicommissie (TNC)
The first weekend after the Kick-In, the tournament committee, better known as the TNC, organizes the International Piranha Water Polo Tournament. This tournament features teams from home and abroad, and is attended by both civic associations and other student groups. The tournament lasts from Friday evening until Sunday and on Saturday there will be a smashing party.
The task of the TNC is therefore to ensure that teams are invited and referees are present. In addition, the TNC also ensures that on Saturday a party is organized, that throughout the weekend there is enough food / beverages and that there are sleeping places for everyone.
Contact: tnc@zpv-piranha.nl
Contact: polocie@zpv-piranha.nl
Zwemcommissie (Zwemcie)
The swim committee within ZPV Piranha is committed, how could it be otherwise, to the swimmers. Throughout the year we organize a number of fun activities to strengthen the bond between the swimmers. For example, we organize a bowling party, the club championships or a movie night or we have a drink after the training. In addition, the swim committee takes care of all matters related to the NSZKs, so you can enjoy these beautiful weekends carefree. Finally, the swim committee makes sure that the training goes well and that it meets the needs of the swimmers. We keep in touch with the board, to guarantee that there is always water, trainers and equipment available.
Contact: zwemcie@zpv-piranha.nl
Duikcommissie (DuikCie)
The Diving Committee was formed as a connection between the various diving committees and to support the Diving Commissioner. The committee consists of representatives from the various diving committees: DAC, DOC and Matcie, the training coordinator and the former and current Diving Commissioner. The Diving Committee discusses topics such as the compressor, training and the purchase of new equipment.
Contact: duikcie@zpv-piranha.nl