Becoming a member
Nice that you are interested in becoming a member of ZPV Piranha, the lower and upper water sports association of the University of Twente!
Intro trainings 09-2024
After the kick-in we organise special intro trainings such that you can try out Piranha, no strings-attached. You can sign up for these trainings by filling in the forms: https://zpv-piranha.nl/intropractices
How do you become a member?
Order a UnionCard through Sportsandculture.utwente
Download the Membership and authorization form, fill in the form and submit it to the board. This can be done via the mailbox in the Sports Center of the UT, in person or by emailing secretaris@zpv-piranha.nl
Pay the association tax via Sportsandculture.utwentel
What does it actually cost?
UnionCard: € 65,- per year (after October 1, € 75,-) (Saxion € 115,-)
Association fee: € 35,- per year or € 22,- per six months (Saxion € 69,- per year or € 35,- per six months)
Contribution: € 65,- per year (collected over four quarters)
A membership is at least 1 year.
Additional charges:
Rescue contribution: approximately € 10, -
Dive contribution: € 40, -
If you want to play competition at water polo, a competition fee will have to be paid. Ask about this at the board or the committee of the sport. This will be approximately € 60, -
If you have any questions about membership, please fill in the contact form below. We hope to see you soon!